User Instructions
American DJ
Space balls™
This fixture is fitted with halogen lamps
which are highly susceptible to damage if
improperly handled. Never touch lamp
with bare fingers as the oil from your
hands will shorten lamp life. Also, never
move fixture until lamp has had ample
time to cool. Remember, lamps are not
Thank you for purchasing this
covered under warranty conditions.
American DJ® product. For your
convenience this lighting effect has
been lamped and is ready to be used,
there is no assembly required.
instructions before installing or
using your new unit.
Caution! Always disconnect from main
power before replacing lamps or servicing unit.
Remember to always replace with same lamps
and fuses.
Product Description:
Dual rotating Star balls on attached base
Operating Instructions:
Unit is ready to be hung or set on flat surface. Be
sure not to obstruct cooling vent. Place in a well
ventilated area. Fog best results, fog or special
effects smoke must be used in order to see the
beams of light.
La m p : 2 x ZB-64514 120V 300W,
Dim e nsio ns: 21.5” x 12” x 11”
We ig ht: 11 lb s.
Sup p ly Volta g e : 120V
Fuse : 7A
Wo rking Po sitio n: Any Sa fe p o sitio n
Duty Cyc le : 10 m in., o n, 10 m in. o ff
Caution! Never open unit when in use. Always dis-
connect main power before servicing or replacing
lamp. Remember always replace with same type
lamp and fuse.
Lamp replacement: Remove thumb screws of
unit and pull out lamp from socket . Remove and
replace lamps. When replacing lamp it helps to
wiggle side to side slightly while pushing in.
Optional: ZB-ADJ300 120V 300W 150 hr.
Long Life lamp also available.
For service, contact your American DJ® dealer.
American DJ
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